8inabar2.jpg (120064 bytes)

Tom, Matt S, Phil, Josh, Seb, Emma, Matt B, Matt N


December 2006

8 in a Bar will be re-uniting for Christmas!

They'll be playing outside Sound City at the Bridge on Tuesday 19 December (late night shopping)

and outside Next in Town on Thursday 21 December

Their CD is now available - buy it direct from the band

Sample music - American Patrol


CD Review (BBC Guernsey)


Guernsey Press article

7 December 2007

8 in A Bar disbanded in September after two and a half years, when seven of its members left for university.  ‘We had been fairly successful in that time and as we were splitting up, we decided we’d like to leave something which people could remember us by,’ said trombonist Matt Bowditch, 17.

The CD was recorded in a single day at Danny Joyce’s Electric Index studio in September and the 14 tracks on the disc are representative of the band’s live performance.  ‘It was unrelenting,’ said trumpeter Matt Sharp, 18 of the recording. ‘To get it right we had to play each track an average of three times and that’s a lot of playing.’  The band said Mr Joyce had done a good job producing the CD, which sounded ‘polished’ and very professional.  ‘It was pretty much recorded live and the editing is very subtle,’ said bass guitarist Phil Stevens, 18.

Tom Claxton, Emma Shires, Matt Nichols, Seb Grand and Josh Cottam complete the line up. School friend Josh Fletcher designed the cover.  The CD costs £7.99 and is available at Sound City on The Bridge or by calling Matt Bowditch on 237024 after 5pm.

More than 200 people attended a farewell concert at St Martin’s Community Centre in September.   However, the public have a chance to see them again.
On Tuesday 19 December they will perform outside Sound City for late night shoppers between 7 and 9pm. On 21 December they will be playing outside Next in the Pollet. CDs will not be sold at the Town show, but orders can be taken.


September 2006

8 in a Bar have now gone their separate ways.   From September 2006, Seb, Emma, Tom and Josh will be studying music at UK universities, Matt N studying sports journalism.  Phil & Matt S will be studying (christian creative arts) in Australia from January 2007, leaving Matt B to complete his A levels in 2007.  They may be available for gigs during the Christmas holidays.

They recorded a CD on 8 September, which will be available shortly - Click here for more information.


8 in a Bar's Farewell Concert

St Martins Community Hall

Sunday 10 September

The concert was a sell-out, with many disappointed fans unable to get in.  The band performed brilliantly, and the audience naturally loved it!  The great venue, the lack of empty seats, the tributes & the standing ovation, all came together to create a fitting finale to 8 very fine and talented young people.



Examination Success

On Wednesday 21 June 2006, 8 in a Bar took an

Advanced Recital Ensemble exam with the Trinity Guildhall Examination Board. 

Result:  Pass with Distinction


BBC article - August 2006


Interview on Radio Guernsey 6 September 2006


Guernsey Press article April 6 2005

This article appeared in the Guernsey Press in February 2005


Grammar eight got feet tapping

 by Alex Hanna, Guernsey Press

FEET tapped when Eight in a Bar took to the stage

Dressed in black and playing instruments from the saxophone to trumpet and percussion, they could have been performing at a garden party.
They attracted huge rounds of applause and a top mark of 92.
‘As soon as the curtain went up, I knew I could just sit back and enjoy it with full confidence that we would all be entertained,’ said adjudicator Vanessa Latarche.
‘It was terrific and their enthusiasm was infectious.’
Matt Nichols, 17, helped to pick up the tempo on his semi-acoustic guitar.
‘I love the bigger audiences, it lifts you and it’s great to hear a huge applause at the end,’ he said.
The Grammar School pupils are all studying music and are already making a name for themselves, having performed at St James and at various gigs.
They formed after doing a GCSE performance last April.
‘We try and get together at least once a week to play,’ said Tom Claxton, 16.
‘We all enjoy it and have great fun performing.
‘Lots of people enjoy this type of music.’
Standing out slightly more than the rest was Emma Shires, 17, the saxophonist, and only girl.
‘For 99.9% of the time, it’s lovely being the only girl,’ she said.
‘I’m a flautist, but I took up the saxophone as another interest and so I could play jazz.
‘It’s very different from playing classical flute.

  (February 2005 Guernsey Press)


8 in a Bar also appeared in a 2 page spread of the Guernsey Press on 6 April 2005, under the headline "Jazzing it up"



Sample Music

8 in a Bar are a young dixieland jazz band, formed during Spring 2004 as a result of having to perform a GCSE composition of one of the band members (Tom).  The format seemed to work well, and they made their public debut at the Liberated Youth concert in May at St James Concert Hall, St Peter Port, Guernsey.

Since then, they've played at various private functions including birthdays, weddings and golden wedding celebrations, with public performances at charity functions, including the MusicAid concert at St James for the Tsunami appeal.  They made a big impact at the Eisteddfod at Beau Sejour - see article above.  For that performance, they won the Miriam R Le Page Prix d'Honneur Trophy for the most memorable performance of the Eisteddfod, and went on to perform at the Eisteddfod Gala Concert at St James.

Wherever they perform, they receive thunderous applause, cheers and shouts of "more!"   They have been seen and heard on Channel and BBC Television, Radio Guernsey and Island FM.

Guernsey Press article April 6 2005

The Band:

Emma Shires              tenor sax

Matt Sharp                  trumpet

Matt Bowditch           trombone

Tom Claxton               clarinet & alto sax

Phil Stevens                bass

Matt Nichols               guitar

Seb Grand                   keyboard

Josh Cottam              drums         


All the band members are in year 12 of the Grammar School, with the exception of Matt Bowditch who's in year 11.

They have recently branched out and formed "8 in a Bar-ber shop", replacing Emma with Scott Guilbert, for their unique version of barber shop style singing.

Guernsey Press article April 6 2005

Sample Music   -   Windows Media Player

Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue

Down By The Riverside

Who's Sorry Now

American Patrol from the CD  (mp3 file)


8 in a Bar are available for gigs, parties and functions.

Please telephone:

Band Secretary

Emma Shires        266485



Seb Grand             242030

Matt Sharp             720879

Tom Claxton         238815

Guernsey Press article April 6 2005

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