


All names have been changed, but the dates and events are true.  This is an account of what I wrote at the time, just shortly after the actual event.

River Dunking

I wrote this account on the day that it happened, Friday 19 April 1985...

This definitely isn't my month.  Engine fire, students turning up and can't use the boat, weather awful.  I have just conducted my own scientific experiment and came up with the strong conclusion that the water is very cold at this time of year.

I was going ashore for a shower, and I certainly got that.  I had just fetched 5 gallons of water in my jerry can which was sitting in the dinghy.  I came alongside the dinghy pontoon, and had to lean over the jerry can in order to tie the painter (rope) to the cleat on the pontoon.  I didn't make a song and dance about it - I just slid very gracefully into the water while hanging onto the end of the pontoon! My first thought was to rescue by new shoes (bought them yesterday!).  My second thought was for the dinghy which was now fast drifting off downstream.  A hero arrived in a dinghy, left me where I was, and rescued my dinghy.  I was left to scramble up onto the pontoon myself - not easy when freezing cold with several layers of sodden clothes.   The chap in the dinghy and another who now appeared, both bore the same testimony..."I was sure I saw someone in that dinghy, then suddenly you weren't there!"  Another eye witness commented on the gracefulness of my disappearance.

I decided against the shower, reclambered into the dinghy and set off back to Delphin. People always appear when you don't want them to don't they?  The crew on Mucky Duck were up on deck and called out to me, so I slowed down and offered an explanation for my bedraggled state.  As I was tying up alongside Delphin, the assistant harbourmaster (who had a bit of a fierce reputation) went by in his launch, with a sneering "Good morning!".  I half-heartedly greeted him back, doing my best to crouch down as low as I could without arousing suspicion.

Word soon got around of course.  Many a folk had a laugh at my expense.  One of my saviours on the day was Alan, a lovely Polish gentleman who worked on the fuel barge.  All that summer, whenever I met him (frequently), he greeted me very politely with, "Hello Carol, how are you?  Are  you dry?"



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